Hane goshi is a hip throwing technique in judo, many beginners wrongly confuse it with Harai goshi, although they both belong to the same family of hip throws, there are many differences between them.
In this article, you will learn: How to do Hane goshi (step-by-step guide)
How to do Hane goshi (step-by-step guide)
Important note: In this guide, we have broken down this throw into several steps. This does not mean that you have to execute each step separately, sometimes you have to execute several steps simultaneously.
1. Start with a good grip (Kumi kata)
Grip fighting is essential in judo, you must get the most dominant grip and prevent your opponent from getting a good grip.
The best grip to use for Hane goshi is the standard grip:
- One hand should grip the lapel
- The other hand should grip the sleeve under the elbow
Don’t make the mistake of gripping from above as this will give more room for your opponent to move their arm freely. The under grip will give you more control over the arm.
2. Don’t telegraph it
A good rule of thumb in judo is to never telegraph your upcoming throw, don’t let your opponent know what throw you are going for.
Use footwork and dance with your opponent in all directions until you find out which direction they are more vulnerable at, and make your move.
Also, don’t “dance” with your opponent with only one throw in mind, you should always have three to four throws in mind, every single throw of them should be working in one direction, this way, you will have all 4 directions covered and you will find yourself ready to attack regardless of the direction your opponent is going to.
But in order for the throws to come out fluently, you have to drill them hundreds of times. Don’t expect in competition that you will think of a throw and it will come out automatically without training.
In competition, you will be almost on autopilot, and the techniques that you will execute as second nature are the techniques you have drilled hundreds of times on the mats.
3. Put your opponent off-balance
Kuzushi is a crucial step in all judo throws, you must shake up your opponent and set them for the throw by making them stand slightly on the ball of their feet and lean forward.
The opponent’s balance is at 100% when they are standing on their heels, your goal is to take their heels off the ground and put them out of balance.
- Use the lapel grip to push your opponent upwards. Press your forearm against their chest and push them upwards. The motion of the move should be as if you want to throw an uppercut
- Use the sleeve grip to pull your opponent upward and toward you. Your wrist should be facing inside and your hand palm should be facing outside. The motion should be as if you are checking your watch.
4. Step in
- With your right foot, take a step towards your opponent’s right foot
- Pivot on your right foot and turn to face the same direction your opponent is facing
- Now take a step with your left foot and place it on the same line with your right foot
- Both feet toes should be pointed to the same direction your opponent is facing
5. Point your knee outward
This is the biggest point that differentiates Hane goshi from other judo throws such as Uchi mata and Harai goshi.
- Lift your right leg and bend your knee
- Press with the right side of your shin against the interior of your opponent’s knee area
- Point your knee outward (your right knee should be pointed to your right side)
6. Don’t leave any space
Your hips should be pressed against your opponent, don’t leave any space between you and your opponent.
After all, Hane goshi is a hip throw not a foot throw, so the main mechanism of the throw is the hip, and not the foot reap.
7. Reap the leg and lean down with your head
Now is the time to initiate the toss:
- Push with the right side of your right leg against the inside of your opponent’s right leg.
- Note that some judokas prefer to place the reaping leg slightly above the opponent’s knee, others prefer to go below the knee. I teach my students to start in the middle around the opponent’s knee, then adjust according to the opponent’s height.
- The motion of your kick should be upward and slightly outward.
- Your head should go down towards your left foot’s toes
8. Wheel them on your hip
As explained in step number 6, Hane goshi is a hip throwing technique, your hip should be the fulcrum of the throw and not the leg reap.
You should wheel your opponent on your hip and toss them.
Notice how the judoka hits with the hip first
How: by twisting the upper body
- Remember the lapel grip you have? Now use it to make your opponent wheel over your hip. You should push with the lapel grip as if you are delivering a punch to make them fall in front of you
- Use the sleeve grip to direct your opponent’s fall to the ground.
- The motion of both your hands should be as if you are steering a wheel.
- Keep in mind that in order for the throw to be successful, your opponent’s head should go downward and their legs should go up in the air
- Your opponent should be falling in front of your left foot’s toes
Notice how the white gi judoka is getting wheeled on the blue gi judoka’s hip
9. Follow through
This is a critical step after the throw is a success.
Don’t make the mistake of letting your opponent go. Many beginners make the mistake of releasing their grips once the opponent is down, and that’s where they lose all the advantage they have worked so hard to get.
Release the lapel grip, but at the same time keep the sleeve grip. Once your opponent is on the ground, use both hands to grip the sleeve.
Your opponent must fall in front of your left foot’s toes, and their right arm should be controlled between your legs. This way, you will have full control to transition to ground fighting.
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